vaquita (
Phocoena sinus) is a rare species of porpoise endemic to the Gulf of California, Mexico. They are highly endangered due to fishing practices such as gill netting and incidental by catches. Scientists estimate that there are only
100 to 300 individuals left in the wild.
Vaquita - Last Chance for the Desert Porpoise - Introduction from
Chris Johnson on
To learn more, please log on to this website
The smallest of all cetaceans is under the brink of EXTINCTION. This is our last chance.
A surfacing Vaquita . Photo courtesy: Chris Johnson |
A native of the Gulf of California in the eighteenth century with what appears to be
a vaquita, today the most endangered species of porpoise in the world with only a
few hundred individuals left. Source: Shelvocke, G. (1726) A Voyage Round the
World. Cassell and Company Ltd, London, 1928. |
Information source:
- The Unnatural History of the Sea by Dr. Callum Roberts
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