16 Aug 2010

Lessons that you can learn from dolphins

These are the 7 lesson which one can learn from dolphins. Read, enjoy and share.

1. Make more time for play and joy. Have fun for the sake of it. Take yourself and life less seriously. Don't sweat the small stuff. Laugh lots.

2. Accept others as they are, with compassion. None of us are perfect. Everyone is doing their best. The dolphins have forgiven us for so much. It is time for us to have the courage to forgive and accept all those close to us and in our world. Hatred and anger are poisons that pollute Earth.

3. Look after the people in your family, and your local and global communities. We are all one, so be conscious of the ripple effects your individual actions have on the whole.

4. Communicate clearly, and with honesty and integrity. Your thoughts are powerful. Imagine everyone is telepathic like the dolphins. How would you change the stream of judgements in your head if you knew others could hear? Think and speak compassionately.

5. Live in balance with nature. Be a guardian of the earth, caring and creating, not consuming and destroying. The dolphins are accused of depleting fish stocks in Japan. Yet they have fished sustainably for centuries. We must take responsibility for our own consumption.

6. Babies need touching or they die. Yet how often do we go without loving touch as adults? Reach out to others and hug more, be more tactile. The dolphins are incredibly sensual and make love without guilt. We must heal our individual and collective shame and guilt about sex that we have been programmed with and learn more about sacred, heart-centred sex (tantra). Bliss and pleasure are natural.

7. The dolphins understand energy - they are highly sensitive beings who are affected by our thoughts, feelings and intentions. I was shown an image of the dolphins in Taiji being trapped in energetic nets of anger, pain and hatred that caring people were creating when hearing about the situation. We have to master our energy on every level and understand how powerful we are in affecting the world around us. Commit to clearing your emotional pains so you can more easily live in joy, love and peace.

Source: Unknown

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